September 14, 2019
May experienced clinicians recommend use of enteric-coated oil of oregano supplement capsules do the risk of receiving larynx, esophageal, and stomach burns due to the purported caustic properties of the … LEARN MORE – —>
June 15, 2017
Act as if you are in the service. Eat three meals a day at the same time every day. Pay for your food by drinking a glass of water before … LEARN MORE – —>
January 25, 2015
Onion has been used as a medicinal for centuries and was a favorite of the famous 11th century practitioner Hildegard of Bingen. References University of Arizona Integrative Medicine Fellowship course … LEARN MORE – —>
December 30, 2014
Many Lyme patients use ozone therapy in attempt to treat their Lyme disease. Although this is commonly done, there are no randomized, double-blinded studies that support the use of ozone … LEARN MORE – —>